What Your Smile Says About You

Your smile is an essential part of your appearance and one of your most recognizable features. We all know that smiling is important, but what message is your smile communicating to the world? Recent studies have shown that smiling can improve your mood, boost your confidence (and others’ confidence in you), as well as increase your health benefits (seriously!). What does your smile say about you?

Smiling Can Improve Your Mood

Believe it or not, your facial expressions affect your mood. Scientific studies have even proven that when you smile, you can actually make yourself happier. This is also true of other emotions — scowling can make you feel more serious, and frowning can give you feelings of depression and sadness. Scientists have been studying this phenomenon for decades and have proven that people can become happier emotionally when they smile more often. Don't believe it? Try it. Smile, even when you don't feel like it — and you will sense a slight change in your mood!

Your Smile Shows Confidence

People tend to equate smiling with success and confidence. Studies have even shown that smiling can make you appear more attractive! Conversely, covering up a smile can make you seem more insecure and withdrawn. Smiling shows that you have a positive outlook on life, which is associated with being more open and flexible — even helping considerably when trying to get a new job, as people tend to associate a smile with outgoingness and even intelligence. According to research, a big smile can make you appear more receptive and inviting — so taking care of your smile has the ability to improve more than just your oral health!

Smiling is Good For Your Health

When you smile, your body responds. Mood-enhancing hormones are released throughout your body when smiling, while stress-enhancing hormones decrease. Smiling can also help lower your blood pressure, which is good for your overall health. Happiness, which is often the cause of smiling, produces endorphins, which help relieve stress and pain. This is why studies show that optimistic people (an outlook often associated with smiling) tend to live longer than those who smile less often. Now that's a reason to smile!

Your smile is an important part of who you are and communicates a lot more than you realize to the people around you. Not only is it an important physical feature, providing benefits in your social and professional life — smiling can also affect your emotional and mental health as well.

If you feel insecure about your smile, contact our team today. MINT dentistry specializes in cosmetic dentistry, and can completely transform your smile through MINT Veneers in a single appointment. MINT has mastered the art of creating #SEXYTEETH by combining the highest quality E-Max porcelain with the greatest cosmetic dentists in the nation trained in placing veneers by using MINT's own surgical technique. The result? A perfect, beautiful, sexy smile.

We want you to feel confident in your smile — after all, your smile affects your mood, confidence, and overall health!

Upgrade your smile with MINT dentistry today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.